Our GDPR policy is to ensure that we treat your personal data with respect to remain in compliance with the EU’s GDPR.
In our records, we only save data such as name, business related e-mail, company telephone number and company address.
Emporium Partners ApS never registers data such as, but not limited to, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political views, personal interests, ownerships, relations and other personal data.
Emporium Partners ApS never shares or sells or in any other way spread personal information to any third party.
Emporium Partners ApS follows the guidelines of GDPR and our GDPR is implemented as such, in our ISO routines.
What personal data do we hold and why?
We hold minimal amounts of personal data regarding you and the company you represent so that we can stay in touch with you whilst we trade with active contractual agreements.
We will also retain personal details so that we may have reference to you should we trade again in the future.
How long do we keep your personal information?
We believe in building strong trading partnerships with you and the organizations you work with. We will hold your personal data whilst we continue working with your organization, or until you ask us to remove your personal data details from our records.
Emporium Partners ApS
Hørskætten 18
2630 Taastrup
+45 7020 6110